Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Opening to a New Begining

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I'm probably going to be mostly talking to myself here as I doubt many people would care to read my ramblings but if you are reading, hello and thank you! This will be my first adventure into the world of blogging. I intend to use this blog as a personal pensive. Sometimes my mind feels a wee bit stretched and placing my thoughts here would be a great help ;).

So, where to begin? I'm Vince. I'm a 22-year old college student studying to be a Journalist. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan in-case you didn't catch the references and I'm also a Star Wars fan. I consider myself a Hufflepuff. I prefer reading non-fiction books and watching non-fiction documentaries, with HP and SW (and maybe Lord of the Rings) being the few exceptions. I'm very much interested in politics (huge understatement! I'm a politics NERD lol) and instead of watching TV shows like normal people, I watch political news. I try to be fair so I watch both Fox News and MSNBC. I used to consider myself center-left but now I lean much more heavily to the left. I'm an Agnostic which means I simply believe we cannot know for certain what's out there. I'm a bit of a romantic and an optimist but my optimism grew from being pessimistic. Once you lower your expectations a wee bit and adjust your perception of life so you look for the right things and focus on the right things and be humble enough to realize how fortunate we are to be alive at all, you'll see the good in life a lot more. Not to sound arrogant, just my view on things.

Feel free to leave comments on my blog debating me or just commenting on something I said or correcting a mistake or telling me what a moron I am. ;) Hopefully this will work out nicely. :)

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